I help Christian men build powerful, purposeful lives. 


Get serious about your purpose.

You know God has a plan for your life. But the passing years have done little to answer the deep questions about who you are and what you’re called to do. It’s time to get intentional. Click below to learn more about the fastest way I know to get clarity and momentum back on your side.

Get Clarity

Without vision, lives are wasted. Discover who you are and develop a clear picture of your ideal future.

Build Balance

Learn how to set right goals, take right actions, and design a balanced life.

Accelerate Growth

Growth isn’t accidental. Age doesn’t equal progress. Let’s turn good intentions into measurable results.
Build a life that matters.
Most of the men, when they’re being honest, use one word to describe themselves: Stuck.

In our twenties, we were confident God had a big plan for our lives. We wanted to make history; change the world.

With each passing year came the expectation that “this year” will be the year that someone recognizes our gifting and calls us up.

But our twenties are gone, replaced by the chaos of the thirties. Big dreams were replaced by diapers and deadlines. Starting a movement took back seat to paying the mortgage.

And slowly and quietly….our dreams die.


Yet here you are.

You know in your gut that God has more for you and you’re tired of seeing years fly by without walking in the confidence that comes from finally finding your place.

You are tired of sacrificing your calling at the altar of a stressful life.

You are determined to make an impact. You are ready to take action…and you are willing to take a risk. 

God is giving you permission to dream again…to swing for the fence. Don’t let another year pass by without getting clarity on your calling and taking massive action.

Schedule a call today.

The Coaching Process


Campus Visit

Schedule a free call. We’ll discuss your goals, desires, challenges, and next steps.


Complete several key personality and gifting profiles prior to our first session.

The Huddle

Begin weekly coaching sessions. We meet 3x per month to review your goals and growth.

Game Time

Implement the action steps determined in the weekly huddle. This is where the growth occurs.

Give yourself


to dream again.

From My Clients…

“Wesley’s coaching over the past two years has helped me get clarity and progress in several key areas, especially my family and career. Our weekly calls helped me move the needle on a consistent basis. If I could have done it alone, I would have done it by now. I highly recommend you call him!”

Jason Weening

Powerful Coaching for Christian Men.

I specialize in working with men who want
greater clarity, expert strategy, and
measureable impact.

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